Sunday, April 17, 2011

The power of positive action

"somethings are so powerfully simple that I'm amazed I was stuck on stupid for so long"

From the first time I picked up Norman Vincent Peale's book "The Power of Positive Thinking' I became a big time believer.     And for most of life I have faithfully practised what the preacher preached.  Through thick and thin, ups and down and surges and setbacks I've always tried to stay positive.   I still do and always will.   For the most part it has worked quite well.   However, not as well as it could have.  Something was missing?

"you can't think your way into success or happiness with only positive thoughts"

One of the reasons that 'The Secret' didn't work as well as it should have for many well intentioned followers is that there wasn't enough emphasis put on 'positive action'.   You may well reach enlightenment like the Buddha if you sit under a tree and contemplate something greater than you for days and weeks.   However, when you get up you will still be only as wealthy as you were when you first sat down.  Something has to happen, something has to change and that only happens with positive action. 

It's like little Eduardo as a child.  I dreamed of being a professional ball player.  I could imagine what it would be like.   I could hear the crowd cheering me on and the pretty girls begging for my attention.   I dreamed the dream for many years but alas poor little Eduardo never became the star he wanted to be.    Why?   He was stuck on stupid!  He didn't realize the effort, training and dedication that needed to go with that beautfiul dream. 

Sometimes I think about the other dreams I've had in my life and it makes me a little sad that someone hadn't taken me aside and explained how the world works.   Dreams are beautiful things, they open our eyes to possibilities.  Positive thoughts are our protection against getting lost on the path to our dreams and goals.  However without postive action nothing happens!

The Happy Ending to my little story!

One of my dreams was to  write a book.   One day I woke up and realized it wasn't ever going to happen no matter how many dreams, affirmations or positive thoughts I had.   So I said to myself...'screw it, I'm going to do it'.    I started taking some positive action.  I started writing.  Today my book is written.   It has been edited, formatted and is in the book printers hands.  I await it's birth in approximately 30 days.  One dream is about to come true for little Eduardo!

So dream big, think bold beautiful postitive thoughts, get in vibrational harmony with your desires but never ever forget nothing happens if you don't take some positive action.   Nothing moves until you do. 

"There are two reasons to write a book.  One is to share your great ideas and insights and the other is to brag about it"

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